Legal Information


Legal Information


Council for Exceptional Children’s Policy Insider Blog

Policy Insider provides content on legal action and advocacy for teachers and administrators. The blog format allows for timely posts to be published that reflect the CEC’s take on current events that impact students.


A Parents’ Guide to Special Education in North Carolina

The Duke Children’s Law Clinic has produced a comprehensive guide for parents of children with special education needs. The Guide explains the special education law in clear terms so that parents can learn the vocabulary, navigate the special education system, and become effective advocates for their children. The Guide is especially geared to assist North Carolina parents. This resource can help parents navigate the legal and educational systems to advocate for their child’s IEP.


North Carolina Association of Educator’s Legal Page

This page provides some information for non-members. Non-members can contact the NCAE Advocacy Center. The page also lists some relevant state-level legislation that impacts teachers’ rights.