Evidence-Based Practices


Evidence-Based Practices in UDL


Multimedia Instruction

Kennedy et al. (2013) present content acquisition podcasts (CAPs) as a means for delivering vocabulary instruction. The authors connect CAPs to CAST’s multiple means of representation; with podcasts, this would align with Representation Checkpoints 1.2 Offer alternatives for auditory information and Checkpoint 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols.

Kennedy, M. J., Thomas, C. N., Meyer, J. P., Alves, K. D., & Lloyd, J. W. (2014). Using Evidence-Based Multimedia to Improve Vocabulary Performance of Adolescents With LD: A UDL Approach. Learning Disability Quarterly, 37(2), 71–86. https://doi.org/10.1177/0731948713507262

Self-Questioning Strategy

Berkeley et al. (2011) conducted a randomized experimental design that investigates the effects of self-questioning strategies for 57 seventh graders. This self-questioning strategy was used in the context of reading comprehension. Students asked themselves a set of predetermined questions as they read expository texts. This connects to UDL through CAST’s UDL Representation Checkpoint 3.3 Guide information processing and visualization.

Berkeley, S., Marshak, L., Mastropieri, M. A., & Scruggs, T. E. (2011). Improving Student Comprehension of Social Studies Text: A Self-Questioning Strategy for Inclusive Middle School Classes. Remedial and Special Education, 32(2), 105–113. https://doi.org/10.1177/0741932510361261

Collaborative Strategic Reading

Boardman et al. (2016) examine the fidelity of the implementation of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) for middle school students with mild to moderate disabilities. The authors report that there was an interaction effect between the quality of implementation and special education status. CSR includes before, during, and after reading strategies. CSR enables students to learn metacognitive awareness and reading strategies. This connects to UDL through CAST’s Engagement Checkpoint 9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection.

Boardman, A. G., Buckley, P., Vaughn, S., Roberts, G., Scornavacco, K., & Klingner, J. K. (2016). Relationship Between Implementation of Collaborative Strategic Reading and Student Outcomes for Adolescents With Disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(6), 644–657. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022219416640784